Ready to launch your brochure or product label or book or poster? Contact us to get professional typesetting service in Dubai at a competitive rate.
This service is essential if you need a magazine, brochure or simply a poster in different languages. We understand that even a well-translated document won’t survive without conforming to the conventions and rules of its target country, region, sector or population.
A typesetting service is essential if you need a magazine, brochure or simply a poster in different languages. At ALWIFAQ TRANSLATION we understand that even a well-translated document won’t survive without conforming to the conventions and rules of its target country, region, sector or population.
To ensure our clients receive the best possible typesetting service we employ qualified typesetters who are capable of presenting documents in both hard copy and electronic format which respect the appropriate aesthetic standards for your target audience.

High quality typesetting requires our native typesetters to know which fonts to use, where to break the lines and whether the language is written from right to left. The style and tone of the content used for the typesetting is also highly tailored, targeted and localized.
For instance, different countries use different typographic conventions and also different fonts, and to avoid these pitfalls, we make sure that our typesetting does not make the material look “odd” to your target audience. Otherwise, at worst, it could impair understanding and give the impression of illiteracy.
Typesetting content for different countries calls upon a variety of skills. It is much more than just translating the words. Good typesetting is making sure the words used are relevant and appropriate and must also take into consideration the history and culture of the area. When marketing abroad, presentation is so important because customers are so quick to make up their mind.
Typesetting has come a long way. It was originally done by hand in a printing press and was an extremely lengthy and complicated operation. However in the digital age typesetting is hugely widespread in business.
Typesetting for international business is now considered a must and combining modern technology with our typesetter’s native and local knowledge ensures your message gets across.